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PUMET Exam Analyser | Details on PU MET Exam, Syllabus, Exam Analysis, Pattern and more |
PUMET Question Bank with Self Assessor | More than 50000 PU MET Questions Subjectwise, Topicwise, Chapterwise with facility to create your own test based of parameters which include PU MET Previous years old Question Papers. - 180 Subject & Chapter Tests (Per Month) for PUMET Exam |
PUMET Mock Tests with Test Simulator | - 20 Complete Mock Tests (Per Month) for PUMET Exam |
PUMET Report and Analytics | Test History for each attempted PU MET Test with individual analytics. You get detailed real-time Analysis of PUMET Test Papers |
PUMET Comparative Study | All India Rank of PU MET Mock Tests taken are compared with Toppers and Average Student |
Number of PUMET Test Per Day (12 Tests) | Self Assessor/Topic Tests - 6 Tests Test Simulator/Mock Tests - 6 Tests |
PUMET Study Materials (Free) | PUMET Smart Learning has videos, study materials, notes and other help keyword wise and topic wise from large pool of knowledge. |
Kindly note : TestBag has now exclusive website for Panjab University Management Entrance Test (MET) 2022 for admission to MBA programmes Entrance Exams. Kindly click on pumet.testbag.com for one stop on PU MET exam details, Pattern, Syllabus and Online mock tests for PUMET MBA entrance exams
Kindly note :
Date of PU MET 2022 Examination (Tentative) : April 23, 2022 (Saturday)
Start date for PU MET Online Application : February 14, 2022 (Monday)
Last date for completion of PU MET online registration : April 05, 2022 (Tuesday)
TestBag broadly covers all type of PUMET objective questions topics/subtopics in
General Knowledge
Economics and Business Environment Awareness
Data interpretation and problem solving
Numerical Ability
Verbal Ability / Reasoning
English Comprehension
as outlined in exam pattern of Punjab University MET
Click Here for Online Free Mock test Series for PUMET UIAMS
PU MET Exam Analyser has details of PUMET. Please go through tentative dates of the exam and PU MET exam pattern and define your weekly schedule to cover each topic You have to master subject each topic wise step by step and the practice for final exam around one month before exam date. Please also go through exam analysis to understand the way exam was in last year and remember cut offs as they will help to bench mark your performance
PU MET Self Assessor has multiple choice questions and all other type of questions in topics/subtopics of Mental and Numerical Ability, General Knowledge, General English and Business Aptitude.
Click Here for Online Mock test Series for PUMET UIAMS
Everyday after studying the PU MET topic, master the same by simulating self tests on the topic or keyword with sufficient challenge so that you can bench mark your accuracy with time. Self Assessor will not only indicate your level of learning, accuracy and speed on each topic but will add a lot to your knowledge from its own knowledge pool on every self assessment. Analyse the question attempted incorrectly by you by revisting the topic concept in any good PU MET book or take help of your collegues and teachers. Preferably complete this exercise on same day or by next day as another topic will be waiting to be mastered next day. We recommend self assessment for PUMET mainly on multiple choice questions and some other type questions at level L2.
PU MET Test Simulator has mock tests/ old papers and test patterns for PUMET. These PUMET tests are based on previous year patterns specific to PU MET or are created by subject matter experts. Each test has details of the pattern being followed and topics from which questions are being drawn for the said test. PU MET Mock tests have fixed of questions indicated topicwise in each PU MET mock tests but test pattern generate new tests every time by drawing questions from large knowledge pool based on PUMET exam parameters such as question number, types, topics included, level of questions, marks and time.
The results of all PU MET test taken are instantaneous detailing question attempted with correct answers and answers given
PU MET Test History stores results with details of each attempted question in all tests simulated by user to enable each user to monitor his/her progress and discuss shortcoming with teachers/mentors
Kindly Note : The information provided here is just indicative information and is provided on "as is" and "as available" basis . We make no claims on accuracy and reliability of the information. For correct/current information kindly contact concerned college/institution/authorities.