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CA-CPT Exam Analyser | Details on Exam, Syllabus, Exam Analysis, Exam Pattern and more |
CA-CPT Question Bank with Self Assessor | More than 30000 questions subjectwise, topicwise, chapterwise with facilty to create your own test based of parameters. More than 800 keywords/keyconcepts to create self tests |
CA-CPT Mock Tests Papers with Test Simulator | 40 Mock tests (10 - ACCOUNTING, 10 - MECANTILE LAW, 10 - ECONOMICS, 10 - QUANTITATIVE APTITUDE) |
CA-CPT Report and Analytics | Test History for each attempted test with individual analytics |
CA-CPT Comparative Study | CACPT Mock Tests taken are compared with Toppers and Average Students |
Number of CA-CPT Test Per Day (10 Tests) | Self Assessor - 4 Tests and Test Simulator/Mock Tests - 6 Tests |
Its a very helpful portal for CACPT.It has good bunch of questions.
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