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Written Examination Structure :-
Selection process for appointment of Security Assistant (Executive) in IB will be held in three phases i.e.
Tier-I examination, Tier-II examination & Tier-III.
The written Exam pattern for Tier-I examination consists of 4 sections as given below :
General Awareness
Quantitative Aptitude
Logical/ Analytical Ability
English Language
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Tier-I Written Exam is of Objective type MCQs, divided into 4 parts containing questions of 1 marks each .
Subjects | No. Of Marks | Time |
General Awareness | 40 | 1 Hour |
Quantitative aptitude | 20 | |
Logical/analytical ability | 20 | |
English language | 20 | |
Total | 100 |
Tier-II Descriptive type
Subjects | No. Of Marks | Time |
Translation of a passage of 500 words from local language/dialect to English and vice versa. |
40 | 1 Hour |
Spoken ability (to be assessed at the time of Tier - III exam (Interview/ Personality test) |
10 | - |
Tier-III | Interview / Personality Test | 50 Marks |
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There will be negative marking of ¼ mark for each wrong answer. No marks would be awarded for an un-attempted question.
On the basis of their performance in Tier-I exam, candidates would be shortlisted for Tier-II & Tier-III exam at 10 times the number of vacancies.
In order to achieve qualitative selection & recruit the best available talent, there would be cut-off marks (out of 100) in Tier-I exam as under:
UR-35, OBC-34& SC/ST-33 (all Ex-servicemen would be treated in their own category viz., UR/OBC/SC/ST)
All candidates appearing in Tier-II exam would be provisionally admitted in Tier-III exam, i.e. interview/personality test.
Tier-II examination will be of qualifying nature. Candidates would be required to obtain minimum 20/50 marks so that their marks in Tier-III could be taken into account for preparing final merit list on the basis of combined performance in Tier-I & Tier-III exam.
The cut-off in Tier-II is same for candidates of all categories.
There is no cut-off for Tier-III exam.
Kindly Note : The information provided here is just indicative information and is provided on "as is" and "as available" basis . We make no claims on accuracy and reliability of the information. For correct/current information kindly contact concerned college/institution/authorities.