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TestBag now has exclusive microsite for Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya Selection Test (JNVST) Exams. Please click on jnvst6.testbag.com for one stop on everything about JNVST for Class VI Exam Pattern, Syllabus, Previous years old papers and online Topic, Chapter & Mock Practice Test Paper for JNVST Exam.
The JNVST for Class VI selection test will be of two-hour duration from 11:30 am to 01:30 pm and will have 3 sections with only objective type questions. There are 80 questions in all for 100 marks. JNVST for Class VI Test contains questions from following areas :
Number of Questions in JNVST Mental ability Test - 40
Number of Questions in JNVST Arithmetic Test - 20
Number of Questions in JNVST Language Test - 20
Each candidate shall appear for the JNVST selection test at the examination centre allotted to him/her as indicated on the Admit Card. No candidate is permitted to appear from any other centre.
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No request for change of centre will be entertained. No candidate can appear in the JNVST selection test without the proper Admit Card.
The language/medium of the JNVST examination for the candidate will be the medium through which the candidate is studying in Class-V.
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Language of the JNVST Examination
A candidate will be given a JNVST test booklet in the language he/she has mentioned in the application form and admit card.
It must be ensured that Same Medium of Examination/Language is written in the Application Form and Admit Card
The JNVST test booklet is available in the following languages
1 |
Assamese |
8 |
Kannada |
15 |
Punjabi |
2 |
Bengali |
9 |
Khasi |
16 |
Sindhi (Arabic) |
3 |
Bodo |
10 |
Malayalam |
17 |
Sindhi (Devnagri) |
4 |
English |
11 |
Manipuri |
18 |
Tamil |
5 |
Garo |
12 |
Marathi |
19 |
Telugu |
6 |
Gujarati |
13 |
Mizo |
20 |
Urdu |
7 |
Hindi |
14 |
Oriya |
21 |
Nepali |
Composition of the JNVST Test
The JNVST selection test for Class VI will be of two-hour duration from 11.30 am to 01.30 pm and will have 3 sections with only objective type questions. There are 80 questions in all of 100 marks.
Each question carries one mark:
Type of Test |
Number of Question |
Marks |
Duration |
Mental ability Test |
40 |
50 |
60 Minutes |
Arithmetic Test |
20 |
25 |
30 Minutes |
Language Test |
20 |
25 |
30 Minutes |
Total |
80 |
100 |
2 Hours |
A single test booklet comprising of the 3 sections will be given to each candidate.
Method of Recording Answers
a. A separate JNVST Answer sheet will be provided. Candidates are required to indicate their answers at an appropriate place on the answer sheet itself. The Answer sheet will be of intelligence Character Recognition (ICR)/Optical Character Recognition (OCR) Sheet. A copy of specimen Answer Sheet is enclosed.
b. Only Blue/Black Ball Point Pen is to be used to write on the JNVST answer sheet. Candidates should bring their own ballpoint pens. Use of pencil is strictly prohibited.
c. For each JNVST question, there are four probable answers, out of which only one is correct. The candidate is required to select correct answer and indicate correct corresponding number (1, 2, 3, 4) given against the probable answers on the answer sheet. Any other mode such as marking ( ? ) OR (a, b, c, d) OR (A, B,C, D) OR (BEE, JE, ME, PE) etc. to indicate the answers on the answer sheet will not be accepted. For example if your answer for Question no. 37 is 3, write as 37 3
d. No change in the answer once written is allowed. Overwriting, cutting and erasing on the JNVST Answer Sheet is also not allowed.
e. 1.25 marks will be given for every correct answer in JNVST for Class VI Entrance Exam.
f. There Are No negative marking will be done in JNVST for Class VI Entrance Exam.
About JNVST Entrance Exam Instruction and Example
a. The candidate must carefully read the JNVT instructions given on the cover page of the test booklet as well as those for each test/section before attempting the questions.
b. Candidates are advised to confirm that the JNVST test booklet received by them is of the language opted for the test. In case test booklet of correct language opted for is not provided, the candidate should get it changed before start of the JNVST examination. It is the responsibility of the candidate to obtain the JNVST test booklet of his choice as opted in the application form. No representation in this regard will be entertained after the examination is over.
c. About one minute may be needed to answer each question. Therefore, the candidate should not spend too much of time on a particular question. If a question is found difficult to answer he/she may leave it and move on to the next one. This will held save time. Once the candidate completes all the questions in a test, he/she may try those questions, which he/she had left in the first attempt.
d. The total time would be two hours without any break.
e. Securing qualifying marks in each of the three tests is essential. Candidates are advised not to spend more time on each section of test than suggested, although they are free to adjust the total time, as they like.
f. There will be a bell after every 30 minutes.
1. No candidate will be allowed to appear in the JNVST selection test without proper Admit Card.
2. No candidate will be allowed to enter the JNVST examination hall/ room after 30 minutes of the commencement of the selection test.
3. No candidate will be allowed to leave the JNVST examination hall / room before completion of 60 minutes after commencement of the test.
Kindly Note : The information provided here is just indicative information and is provided on "as is" and "as available" basis . We make no claims on accuracy and reliability of the information. For correct/current information kindly contact concerned college/institution/authorities.