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Why Testbag

Education should be Teaching Directed and Learning Centered


To impart knowledge of or skill in; give instruction in.


To acquire knowledge of or skill in by study, instruction, or experience

To impart knowledge does not ensure the acquisition of knowledge

Learn the rules as you really must win the studying game because the stakes are so high. They will affect the rest of your life, good or bad



Identify your challenges. Some common challenges are


TestBag – Online Assessment System

TestBag is first of its kind online assessment system and practice platform to meet needs of

Students, Teachers, Parents,

Schools , Colleges, Universities , Academic Institutions

Classroom based Coaching Classes

Students :

Online site for formative and summative assessment helps students

In monitoring own performance on knowledge, skills, time management etc

Learning to be critique of own knowledge and understanding

Learning to take full responsibilities of the performance

Learning about shortcomings and initiate steps for improvement

Learning from mistakes and improving on them

Learning about topics not covered or covered inadequately

Benching marking your performance with peers and achievers

Objective assessment is becoming more popular as they are easier to administer, a large area of subjects/topics can be covered and can be assessed in small time. In addition the chances of errors on account of handwriting etc are also eliminated.

In objective assessment multiple choice questions are most popular although true/false, multiple response, fill-in-blanks and matching are also used in some exams.

In past few years responses of objective assessment are recorded on machine readable forms and as such results are drawn more quickly and accurately.

Recently dramatic increase in usage of Computers and internet has supported increased use of online assessment using objective questions

Online testing broadly is aassessment by using information technology. This generally is also called as e- assessment.

The assessment can be based on a criteria or can be general i.e without any specific criteria such as IQ tests.

Most of exams which have specific syllabus assess students based on a certain criteria where questions are drawn from specific areas (say physics, chemistry, mathematics etc), the questions are of certain type (say multiple choice, multiple response etc) the questions are of a certain level of difficulty, the questions are to be answered in some given time and there is a criteria to allocate marks/grade for correct/incorrect responses and questions not attempted. Testbag is currently catering to such type of assessments using multiple choice questions (which is most popular form of objective assessment).

What Is Exam Analyser

Exam analyser provides information on specific exam covering basic details, syllabus, exam pattern, analysis of previous exams and cut offs, recent notifications, tips on exam preparation and testbag advantageThis will help to understand and plan goals and short term objectives

TestBag advantage also quantifies goals with recommendations on speed for specific exams

Knowing your destination before starting is first step towards success.

Goals – Final purpose or aim

What Goals Do

Gives you a sense of direction . You cannot reach a destination without

knowing where it is

Goals fuel achievement. Knowing your goal intensify your desire to reach there

Setting up Goals

Goals should be SMART

Specific : This will allow you to focus your efforts. I will decrease my weight is generic but I will decrease by weight by 2 kgs is specific. I will try to get admission engineering college is generic but I will get in IIT is specific but I will get in IIT in top 100 seats in more specific goal setting and still more specific is I will get in IIT in top 100 seats in more and shall work for it from 11th class. Specific means What, Why and How of a goal to be decided

Measurable: Build your goal in short term objectives but each should be measurable so that you can feel positive change. Last week I attempted 40% questions correctly. This week I have move up to 45%. Goals and objectives which cannot be measured are usually not attained

Attainable : Goals and objectives should be set which are humanly possible. You may have to stretch with commitment to achieve them. Unattainable objectives are defeating in nature. Every small success attained motivates you to next step.

Realistic : They should be achievable in a given time frame with some extra efforts. I will do whole mechanics with 100% correct questions in a week means that you will not do it at all

Timely : Time of all short term objectives must add up to total time set up for the goal. If few objectives are not achieved in time they can derail time of other objectives. Keep some time cushion while setting objectives.

What Is Self Assessor?

Self Assessor has facility to simulate your own tests instantaneously for self assessment from vast number of subject, topics and keywords with flexibility to choose number of questions, type of questions, level of questions, allocate time and marks. Results of tests are instantaneous detailing given answers and correct answers

This is of great help in your regular studies. Simulate a self test on topic learnt today, understand what is known to you and what remains to be known. Remember some third party can only tell you about unknown. That’s where Self Assessor gains importance. For unknown refer to books, consult peers or take help of teachers to bridge the gap.

Complete this exercise preferably same day as new topic will be waiting to be mastered next day

Self assessor not only assesses your learning but also adds lot to your knowledge from its own knowledge pool during assessment. That’s why TestBag is assessment of learning and assessment for learning.

All test are stored in test history for future reference and each user has separate test history.

How to self assess with TestBag ?

Self Assessment is easy

Self Assessment refers to a comprehensive, systematic and regular review one’s own knowledge . Its help in bridging gap between teaching and learning , in understanding what is known to you and what remains to be known in a subject, topic or keyword It also gives you idea of gaps required to be covered particularly in model tests whether the gaps are in knowledge, understanding, time management or handling negative marks. Further keeping previous cut offs in view the user gets some idea of where is he standing vis-a-vis expectations.

Taking TestBag help to Assess yourself is very easy. However it should be done regularly and results are reviewed with teacher/mentors to understand gaps and initiate steps to improve

Some Examples subject wise

Biology : Say you are a 11th or 12th class student and the subject being taught to you taught to you today is

Cell Structure. Kindly remain attentive in the class and try not only to listen but understand what is being conveyed. Jot down only some important points which you need to remember.In the evening at home , logon to www.testbag.com, select cell structure within Biology – General Biology-Cell biology (this is a tree structure) . Once the Topic Selected is ‘Cell Structure’ , select question type as ‘Any’ or ‘Multiple choice’ as the case may be . Type number of questions required say as ’15’ question per page as ’15’ (keeping your convenience in view) . Select level of difficulty as ‘medium’ (recommended difficulty level for 11th and 12th Class), allocate time in minutes to complete the test say ’10’ (as per your need but keep competitive time to make test meaningful) and then allocate marks for correct answers, incorrect answers and questions not attempted (as per your need but keep them competitive)Thereafter Click button ‘ Check Availability before Test’ . You will get a suitable response whether the test is available or not as per your selection criteria. In addition there will be information on total number of questions available . (This is to indicate that if there are good number of questions , you can retake the test after completing the first on same selection criteria and in all chances you will get a new set of questions in second, third test and so on.) Close the windowThen start test by clicking ‘Start Test’ button . The test will start immediately with questions as per selection criteria. On the top of the test would be a time watch monitoring time spent on the test. The test will stop on completion of time . On completion of test, click button ‘Submit’. The test results with all relevant details will be displayedThe results are also stored in Test History. Kindly analyse questions where you have gone wrong. If you are not able to understand or that particular area has not been covered during teaching, please discuss same with your teacher/mentor. Thereafter you can take another test on same topicIf there is any ambiguity or may be a mistake, please refer to us by filling in details in feedback and mentioning Item ID of question under reference along with your User ID and email to enable us to respond backInstead of selecting a topic, you can simply input a keyword say ‘mitochondria’ follow the steps as written above, check availability and take a test to assess you understanding on mitochondriaOnce the exams are near you can start taking Model Tests on Biology to understand gaps in knowledge, improve time management and develop skill in handling questions when there is negative marking by keep practicing on various combinations. For example you can attempt all questions and see result, second time avoid questions you don’t know and see results, third time attempt questions you know partially ad are doing a near guess. This are few indicative methods. You can build your own suitable criteria . Analyse yourself and discuss shortcomings with other to seek valueable information to improve furtherIf there paucity of time you can create and take tests even on default values set in selection criteria

You can work in similar way on



Mathematics : However keywords will not be available in Mathematics

Second Example : English

In English say you want to assess you vocabulary of synonyms of alphabet ‘A’ . Go to English-English Vocabulary-Synonyms and select ‘Synonyms with Alphabet A’ Once selected , choose selection criteria as mentioned above . Remember in English Grammar, there is no point in choosing difficulty level ‘medium’ or ‘hard’ as most of questions across most of exams are of difficulty level ‘easy’ and as such your selection criteria will show positive results if you difficulty level is either ‘any’ or ‘easy’ . Again instead of selecting ‘Synonyms with Alphabet A’ if you will select only ‘Synonyms’, (In tree structure ‘Synonyms’ will come first then ‘Synonyms with Alphabet A’) the test will be created taking questions from all alphabets Similarly you can assess yourself in area of English Proficiency and English Usage etc.

What is Test Simulator?

Test simulator has facility to simulate mock tests / old papers / test patterns for assessment and practice on large number of regular, entrance, recruitment, professional, international and other exams. The tests are built on extensive predefined parameters covering exam guidelines on number of questions

Each Mock Test / Test Pattern is build with following parameters

You can take Mock Tests based on previous year exam patterns or create by subject matter experts (SMS) or simulate any number new Tests from Test Patterns. Tests are created instantaneously and randomly based on defined parameters in the pattern.

Each Test simulates Exam like Environment having different questions but on specific patterns with defined parameters as above for users to practice

(There can be exceptions in very few cases where some questions may get repeated)

The experience gained with Test Simulator will put all your exam fears to rest

All test are stored in test history for future reference and each user has separate test history.


Experience: First hand knowledge by direct participationYou are visiting a new town abroad for first time. A sense of uncertainty prevails

Visiting same town again. The confidence has grown. That’s what experience do- put fears to rest.Learning from text book is one thing

But sitting in exam is otherTextbook is in your hand and you feel itExam will happen only once.Few unrelated areas not spelt in text book – time management, nervousness,

impact of negative mark, benchmarking can make differenceExam will happen once but can be simulated earlier to gain experienceExperience generates confidence and will put many doubts and fears to rest