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Kindly Note : TestBag has now exclusive website for Maharashtra Common Entrance Test For MCA (MAH MCA CET) entrance exams. Kindly click on mah-mca-cet.testbag.com for one stop on MAH MCA CET exam details, Pattern, Syllabus, Question Bank and mock tests for MAH MCA Entrance exam
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MAH-MCA-CET Syllabus : The Online CET would be comprised of four sections viz Mathematics and Statistics, Logical/ Abstract reasoning, English comprehension and verbal ability and Computer Concepts of total 200 marks. With composite time of 90 minutes duration.
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MAH MCA CET Syllabus:
Mathematics and Statistics: :
The questions will cover the following topics of high school mathematics (up to the 12th standard)
Algebra: Fundamental operations in Algebra, Expansion, factorization, Quadratic equations, indices, logarithms, arithmetic, geometric and harmonic progressions, binomial theorem, permutations and combinations.
Co-ordinate Geometry: Rectangular Cartesian co-ordinates, equations of a line, mid point, intersections etc., equations of a circle, distance formulae, pair of straight lines, parabola, ellipse and hyperbola, simple geometric transformations such as translation, rotation, scaling.
Differential Equations: Differential equations of first order and their solutions, linear differential equations with constant coefficients, homogenous linear differential
Trigonometry: Simple identities, trigonometric equations, properties of triangles, solution of triangles, height and distance, inverse function.
Probability and Statistics: Basic concepts of probability theory, Averages, Dependent and independent events, frequency distributions and measures of dispersions, skewness and kurtosis, random variable and distribution functions, mathematical expectations,
Binomial, Poisson, normal distributions, curve fitting and principle of least squares, correlation and regression.
Arithmetic: Ratios and proportions, problems on time-work, distance-speed, percentage etc.
Basic Set Theory and Functions: Set, relations and mappings.
Mensuration: areas, triangles and quadrilaterals, area and circumference of circles,
volumes and surface areas of simple solids such as cubes, spheres, cylinders and cones.
Logical/ Abstract Reasoning: This shall include the questions to measures how quickly and logically you can think. This section will cover logical situations and questions based on the facts given in the passage. This test shall check the problem solving capability of the candidate.
English comprehension and verbal ability: Questions in this section will be designed to test the candidates general understanding of the English language. There will be questions on the topics such as Basic English grammar, vocabulary, comprehension, synonyms, antonyms, sentence correction, word & phrases, jumbled paragraph.
Computer Concepts :
Computer Basics : Organization of a computer, Central Processing Unit (CPU), Structure of instructions in CPU, input / output devices, computer memory, memory organization, back-up devices.
Data Representation : Representation of characters, integers, and fractions, binary and hexadecimal representations, Binary Arithmetic: Addition, subtraction, division, multiplication, signed arithmetic and two’s complement arithmetic, floating point representation of numbers, normalized floating point representation, Boolean algebra, truth tables, Venn diagrams.
Computer Architecture : Block structure of computers, communication between processor and I / O devices, interrupts.
Computer Language : Assembly language and high level language, Multiprogramming and time sharing operating systems, Computer Programming in C
Operating System basics : Multiprogramming and time sharing operating systems
Kindly Note : The information provided here is just indicative information and is provided on "as is" and "as available" basis . We make no claims on accuracy and reliability of the information. For correct/current information kindly contact concerned college/institution/authorities.