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JKPSC-MO Exam Analyser | Details on Exam, Syllabus, Exam Analysis, Exam pattern and more |
JKPSC-MO Question Bank with Self Assessor | More than 15000 JKPSC MEDICAL OFFICER Questions Subjectwise, Topicwise, Chapterwise with facility to create your own test based of parameters which include JKPSC MEDICAL OFFICER Previous years old Question Papers. |
JKPSC-MO Mock Tests with Test Simulator | 15 Sample Mock Practice Test Paper for JKPSC MEDICAL OFFICER Entrance Exam. |
JKPSC-MO Report and Analytics | Test History for each attempted Test with individual analytics. You get detailed real-time Analysis of JKPSC MEDICAL OFFICER Test Papers. |
JKPSC-MO Comparative Study | All India Rank of JKPSC MEDICAL OFFICER Mock Tests taken are compared with Toppers and Average Student. |
Number of JKPSC-MO Test Per Day (10 Tests) | Self Assessor/Topic Test - 4 Tests and Test Simulator/Mock Tests - 6 Tests |
TestBag now has exclusive microsite for JKPSC Medical Officer Exam in Health & Family Welfare Department. Please click on jkpsc-medical-officers.testbag.com for one stop on everything about JKPSC Medical Officer Exam Pattern, Syllabus and online mock test series for JKPSC MO Exam.
JKPSC Medical Officer 2021 Recruitment Exam Notification
Applications through online mode are invited by Jammu and Kashmir Public Service Commission for the JKPSC Medical Officer Recruitment notification for a total of 708 vacancies. The applicants who are domiciled in the Union Territory of Jammu & Kashmir possessing the prescribed academic/professional qualifications and age for the posts of Medical Officer in the Health & Family Welfare Department can apply.
Date of commencement for submission of online applications for posts of JKPSC Medical Officer = 20/12/2021(10.00 A.M.)
Last date for submission of JKPSC MO online applications and online fee = 19/01/2022(23.59 P.M)
The Tentative date of JKPSC MO Examination (Written Test) is 06/03/2022
Jammu and Kashmir Public Service Commission (JKPSC) has released a notification for the post of Medical Officer (MO) in Health & Family Welfare Department.
Click Here for JKPSC MO Online Mock Test Series
The JKPSC MO candidates can submit the application complete in all respects along with the requisite fee (online mode only) through online mode on or before 19 January 2022.
JKPSC Medical Officer 2022 VACANCY DETAILS: 708
Category |
Fresh Vacancies |
Backlog Vacancies |
OM |
225 |
45 |
SC |
36 |
37 |
ST |
45 |
59 |
ALC / IB |
18 |
23 |
Social Caste |
18 |
26 |
18 |
31 |
45 |
82 |
Total |
450 |
258 |
Number of posts is likely to undergo minor change on receipt of clarifications from the Administrative Department.
Click Here for JKPSC MO Online Free Mock Test Series
Qualification :
MBBS or Possession of recognized Graduate Medical qualification included in the First or Second Schedule or part-II of the 3rd Schedule(other than licentiate qualifications) to the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956.
Holders of education qualification included in part-II of the 3rd Schedule should fulfill the conditions stipulated in sub-section (3) of section (13) of the Indian Medical Council Act 1956.
Registration of Medical Council of Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir/Medical Council of India is pre-requisite for the eligibility of the candidate.
Candidates provisionally registered with Medical Council of India/Medical Council of Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir are not eligible for recruitment as Medical Officer in Government Service.
The selectee(s) shall not be allowed to continue with PG/tenures of Senior Residency/Registrarship/Demonstratorship and they will have only one choice either to opt for selection or opt out and go for PG/tenures of Senior Residency/Registrarship/Demonstratorship.
The selectee(s) on appointment will have to work in peripheral and far-flung areas of the Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir.
JKPSC MO Age Limit (as on 1st January 2021) :
Maximum Age Limit for OM: 40 Years
Maximum Age Limit for PHC: 42 Years
Maximum Age Limit for RBA/ SC/ ST/ ALC-IB/ OSC/ EWS/ PSP: 43 Years
Maximum Age for In Service/ Government: 40 Years
SALARY FOR JKPSC Medical Officer 2021 :
The post for the JKPSC Medical Officer will carry the pay scale of Rs.52700-166700 (Level 9).
SCHEME OF SELECTION FOR JKPSC Medical Officer: The selection process shall be by written test only which shall be of NEET(PG) standard as far as practicable.
The JKPSC MO witten test (MCQ type) shall be of 100 points
The JKPSC MO written test is the first stage of the selection process. The exam pattern and questions asked shall be of NEET (PG) standard as far as practicable. There are 100 questions in the JKPSC MO exam paper from different topics that are mentioned in the syllabus. The question paper shall consist of MCQs. There shall be a negative marking of 1/4th of the assigned mark.
HOW TO APPLY FOR JKPSC Medical Officer :
JKPSC MO Candidates are required to apply online through the website of the Commission i.e http://www.jkpsc.nic.in.
No other means/ mode of application shall be accepted.
Candidates are first required to go to the JKPSC website www.jkpsc.nic.in and click on the link One Time Registration or click on Login menu if you have already created your profile with the JK PSC.
After logging into your account, candidates are required to fill all the requisite fields of One Time Registration (OTR).
Click on the show jobs as shown against the respective post/examination you want to apply.
The Online Application Form once submitted cannot be edited.
On successful submission of the online application, a window will open with a link to print application form.
Candidates have to pay the requisite fee through online mode only in the SUBMITTED APPLICATIONS menu in your account.
JKPSC MO Candidates are not required to submit a hard copy or any other documents to the Commission.
However such of the candidates as are declared qualified on the basis of JKPSC MO Written Test shall be required to submit the Original documents in support of their candidature on the dates at venues to be notified separately.
EXAMINATION FEE FOR JKPSC Medical Officer: After successful submission of the JKPSC MO online form, the candidate will be required to deposit requisite fee through online mode.
The amount of fee to be paid is given below:-
General Category = Rs.1000.00
Reserved Categories = Rs.500.00
PHC Candidates = Nil
The JKPSC MO Examination will be held in Srinagar and Jammu centres.
For MORE DETAILS About JKPSC Medical Officer :
visit http://www.jkpsc.nic.in
Kindly Note : The information provided here is just indicative information and is provided on "as is" and "as available" basis . We make no claims on accuracy and reliability of the information. For correct/current information kindly contact concerned college/institution/authorities.